Stay Casino Australia Works with New Town Kindness as Part of a Corporate Charity Program

We are pleased to announce that we will be partnering with Stay Casino in a corporate charity program. While donating a couple of dollars to a nearby homeless shelter makes one feel great and have some sense of self-worth, we believe that a well-executed corporate charity program can have long-term effects on a company.

Reading more you will learn about several advantages of charity work for businesses.

Charity Work Enhances a Business’s Brand

According to a recent study, millennials are 70% more likely to buy products or services from a brand that supports charitable causes. Another study showed if, given an opportunity to choose between two companies that offer services or products at the same price, 82% of the buyers’ choice would be significantly influenced by whether either of the companies is philanthropic.

These two studies are evidence of how charity work can have a significant positive impact on a company’s brand. For starters, a business engaging in a charity program as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents itself as being ethical and reliable.

Charity programs also increase purchases. Typically, buyers are more likely to purchase from charitable businesses because it makes them feel good about themselves. By buying a product or service from a company that is involved in charity work, they know they are part of a bigger cause. This, in turn, not increases the business’s sales but also enhances its brand.

What’s more, a company that is involved in charity work gives them an edge over other companies, enhancing its brand.

Taking part in a charitable cause as a business also increases customer loyalty, boosting its brand. Buyers will not only keep buying from a company with a charity program, but they will also vouch for the business and recommend it to other purchasers.

Boosts Morale In Employees

Charity work also significantly boosts the morale of employees, which in turn, has a positive impact on the business. For starters, getting involved in a charitable cause enhances the employees’ self-esteem. The feeling of being part of something bigger that will make a positive impact on other people’s lives increases one’s self-esteem.

Getting involved in charity programs as a company also gives an opportunity for employees to showcase their talents that they didn’t get a chance to showcase in the company setting. This also can have a significant positive impact on their self-esteem, which in turn, boosts their morale.

What’s more, charity work also increases employees’ respect and attachment to their employer. Employees are more likely to have respect for employers who are philanthropic.

Charitable Programs Also Enhances Collaboration Among Employees

Charity work also enhances collaboration among employees. When a company’s team gets involved in a charitable cause, it encourages them to come together and work towards making a positive impact on the community. It also allows them to get to know each in a way they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Charity Work Increases a Company’s Reach to a Wider Audience

As we mentioned earlier, buyers are more attracted to a business involved in charity work. When a company gets involved in a charity program, it puts its name out there, increasing its marketing reach.

Charity work also increases a business’s likelihood of getting investors. Many investors are more likely to invest in companies that take part in charitable events.

Charity Programs Enhances Networking

Another significant advantage of getting involved in charitable programs as a business is that it enhances networking. Many companies are participating in charity work as part of their corporate social responsibility. So, charitable events enable businesses to meet and interact, leading to collaboration and partnerships.

Public figures like celebrities and well-known investors also get involved in charitable causes. Therefore, when a business takes part in charity work, it gets an opportunity to meet with these reputable figures who may become positive influences on the company.

It also enables companies to form long-lasting relationships with the charities they support. This can also have a significant positive impact on their brands.

It Enables Businesses to Attract And Retain Employees

Several studies have shown that job applicants, especially millennials, are more likely to apply for job positions in companies that are involved in charity work.

So, your charitable programs can make your business more appealing to potential employees. As we explained earlier, charity work promotes employee morale and a positive work environment in your company, making them satisfied and happy to work for your business.

Companies Can Qualify for Tax Deductions

In some countries like the United States, businesses can qualify for tax deductions if they engage in charity work. However, there are specific rules and regulations that a company has to follow to qualify for a tax deduction. For instance, in the US, a business needs to support a charity that is registered as a bona fide 501© (3) organization.

While tax deduction is a benefit, it shouldn’t be the driving force for your company’s involvement in charity. Instead, get involved in charity with the aim of making an impact on the community.

It Helps Create a Better Community

The main advantage of companies getting involved in charity work is that it enables them to create a better community. While this might not have a direct positive impact on a business, the opportunity to help the community is a significant advantage.

So, how can Stay Casino participate in charitable programs? There is no right way to get involved in charity as a business, and it doesn’t necessarily have to cost a lot of money to do so.

If your business can afford to donate a huge amount of money to charity, then go for it. However, if you are a startup business or cannot afford to donate a significant amount of money, there are other ways your company can get involved in charity without spending a lot of funds.

We also advise supporting a charitable organization that aligns with your company’s brand and mission. That way, buyers and investors will see that you are working with a charity program that aligns with what you believe in as a business.

It’s also recommendable to seek opinions about which charity organizations to support from employees. In most cases, employees know about many charity programs; therefore, their ideas can come in handy.

Some of the ways businesses can get involved in charitable programs include:

  • Donating goods or services to charity organizations
  • Writing checks for charity programs
  • Volunteering as a company in charitable events
  • Giving employees time off to volunteer in charity programs.


Wrapping Up

Participating in charity work is an excellent opportunity for companies to enhance their brand and reputation while helping the community. However, as we mentioned earlier, it’s advisable to get involved in charity to make a change in society and not put your company’s benefits at the forefront.

We are excited and look forward to partnering with Safe casino in the corporate charity program as part of their corporate social responsibility. And we believe that their contribution and participation will make a significant change in the community.